Saturday, August 31, 2019


Is defined by CIMA as ‘The Establishment, through data gathering of targets and comparators, through whose use relative levels of performance (and under performance) can be identified. ’[CIMA, 2008] This definition explains in my mind that benchmarking is the comparison of one/ several company’s comparison of relative factors to another’s. Therefore seeing how a company’s best practise differs to your own. There are several types of benchmarking that a company may use; Internal, Functional, Competitive and Strategic. A company may use internal benchmarking to compare different processes within the same departments. If they use functional benchmarking then they are mainly looking their departments and which runs better regardless of their different outputs. Competitive benchmarking is information gathered about direct competitors and finally strategic is a longer term benchmark technique. This is used for companies looking for organisational change. The main advantage for benchmarking is to â€Å"set the foundation for performance improvement† to help â€Å"better competitors† [Nayab, 2010] and overall be the best company in the Market place. On the other hand a disadvantage is; how readily available is all the information you require to benchmark? Business Process Re-engineering Is defined by Drury as â€Å"examining business processes and making substantial changes to how the company operates†. [Drury C, 2008] BPR is a major tool used by business because they want gains in performance and quality, and they need to cost reductions to strive for profit maximisation. When re-engineering processes they look at what has been done and try to improve it. A typical example may be: Building a car by hand takes a considerable long time, however if they changed the process to the car being built by a robot, then they could increase performance and quality. However there are many negatives to usage of BPR. It has an uncertain result because it is an all or nothing technique (high risk). In addition it is said that

Friday, August 30, 2019

Persecution in the Church Essay

In the book of Matthew 28: 16-20 Jesus Christ give us what is known as the â€Å"Great Commission† in this passage of scripture Jesus says I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.† 1 In the centuries following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ the church did just that. However not without resistance from local governments, Christianity was considered a rouge movement that defied the governmental establishments of the time. While Christians were simply seeking to live their life in worship to the living God, the government especially in the Roman Empire saw them as outliers and a threat to the roman way of life. While other religions were generally accepted by the roman government, Christianity was different. Romans were religious people, they had their pantheon of gods, but they did not see Christianity as a religion, they saw it as â€Å"superstitio† or a superstition. In fact Pliny a Roman governor circa 110 AD called Christianity â€Å"superstition taken to extravagant lengths. 2 Roman distrust for this new religion continued to swell with each century. Some emperors were tolerant and some were intolerant to the point of killing Christian non-conformist. Despite growing and widespread persecutions, imprisonments, and Martyrdoms 2. Robert L. Wilkin, â€Å"The Piety of the Persecutors.† Christian History, Issue 27 (Vol. XI, No. 3), p. 18 Church of Jesus Christ grew. Through the bravery, tenacity, and audacity of early Christian men and women we today have a surviving legacy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When it would have been easier to succumb to the Roman government and its edicts and religious institutions, God gave his people the willingness and power to stand up for what they knew was the truth. The Roman Government thought they could intimidate Christians to silence but they were wrong. Persecution of the church started almost at the beginning and continued sporadically through the next three hundred and fifty years. During this period Christians endures minor persecutions to the more extreme measures of persecution. At times the persecutions were local and at times they were empire wide. There was generally what is considered tem great periods of persecution. History of Persecutions The Persecution under Emperor Nero in Circa 64-68AD The Persecution under Emperor Nero was the beginning of what is considered the ten periods of persecution. it was under Nero’s rule that the Apostle Paul was martyred. At his second trial before Nero he knew that he would not be acquitted of the offences against him, the Roman government saw him as a threat and wanted him dead. His exact manner of death is unknown however it is generally accepted that he was beheaded.3 Nero is also responsible for the _________________________ 3. Albert Barnes, Scenes and Incidents in the Life of the Apostle Paul: Viewed as Illustrating the Nature and Influence of the Christian Religion (Ulan Press, 2012), 1. Martyrdom of the apostle Peter. Peter was by all accounts crucified, but he was said that he felt himself to be unworthy to be put to death in the same manner as his Master, and was therefore, at his  own request, crucified with his head downward.4 this was only the Beginning of the persecutions, many more followed Persecution under Domitian (r. 81-96). The Emperor Domitian was a cruel man, not only to Christians he murdered his own brother, and killed high ranking governmental officials so that he could confiscate their land and estates. He successfully raised the second persecution of Christians by demanding that anyone who came from the lineage of David be killed. Fabricated stories were made up about Christian during this time in order to scare the roman public. For example people were told that just about any natural disaster was the fault of the Christians. Christians were brought before the magistrates and ordered to take a test oath, if the person failed to take the oath they were sentenced to death, if they claimed faith in Jesus the same sentence was pronounced. The Roman government passed a law, â€Å"That no Christian, once brought before the tribunal, should be exempted from punishment without renouncing his religion.5 â€Å"The notable martyrs during this persecution were St. John, who was boiled in oil, and afterwar d banished to Patmos. Simeon, bishop of Jerusalem, who was crucified; and Flavia, the daughter of a Roman senator, was also banished to Pontus6 _________________________ 4. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11. 5. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11. 6. ibid Persecution under Trajan (112-117) During the third Persecution, the persecution of Trajan from 122-117 AD Christianity was officially outlawed, however the government of Rome did not seek out Christians to imprison or kill them at this time. If a Christian was imprisoned for some reason during this persecution they would have however been killed in particularly gruesome ways. For example many Christians were crucified on Mt. Ararat, the officials would use crowns of thorns as well as pierce the sides of Christians in mockery mimicking what was done to Jesus himself. Ignatius was probably the most noted martyr during this period. Appointed the Bishop of Antioch after Peter, because he confessed Christ he was handed over to the wild beast as tradition holds. He wrote to the church in Rome saying; â€Å"Now I begin to be a disciple. I care for nothing, of visible or invisible things, so that I may but win Christ. Let fire and the cross, let the companies of wild beasts, let breaking of bones and tearing of limbs, let the grinding of the whole body, and all the malice of the devil, come upon me; be it so, only may I win Christ Jesus! I am the wheat of Christ: I am going to be ground with the teeth of wild beasts, that I may be found pure bread.† 7 Finally during this time Quadratus, bishop of Athens, made an apology to the emperor on behalf of Christians. This apology coupled with an epistle written by a philosopher in the city, relaxed the emperors views toward Christians to relent8 _________________________ 7. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 8. ibid Persecution under Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180) During the persecution under Marchs Aureluis, The torture Christians received during this period, was so grievous that even spectators to the torture would shudder at the extent of it. Christians were severely tortured during this period. They were often scourged to the point that their muscles and veins were visible; they were made to walk over nails, sharp shells, and thorns with feet that were already badly injured. The fate of their lives weren’t much better, if they did not succumb to the torture they were made to endure, they were beheaded, pressed together with weights, or burnt at the steak. The notable Martyrs of this period are Polycarp, who after being captured by  Roman guards was permitted an hour to pray. After the hour was done the guards who had watched him pray so fervently, actually repented that they had been instrumental in his capture. He was then dragged before proconsul and urged â€Å"Swear and I will release thee;–reproach Christ.† 9 Upon his refusal he was burned in the market place. Justin was another notable martyr during this period. Justin was a notable scholar, philosopher, and teacher. After finishing The Second Apology Justin the emperor was angry and as a result Justin and six of his companions were imprisoned and forced to make sacrifices to pagan gods, when they refused the were scourged and the beheaded. 9. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 10. ibid Persecution under Septimus Severus A.D. 192 The emperor Severus, was not especially violent toward Christians. One had saved his life from a sever sickness. However ignorance in the people coupled with outdated laws put in place to execute Christians is what drove the persecution during this period. Pleasure on the Emperor by The masses, made Severus make a new edict that any new believer to Jesus Christ should be executed. Many Christians were inevitably killed under Severus because of this edict Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons was one of the notable martyrs of this period. His zeal for the things of God made the Emperor take notice of him, after a considerable amount of resentment grew Irenaeus was tortured and beheaded.11 Perpetua and Felicitas were two other notable figures in this period. Bothe women were married Perpetua was nursing and infant son and Felicitas was pregnant at the time of her capture and later gave birth in prison. On the day appointed for their execution, they were led to the amphitheater. Felicitas and Perpe tua were stripped, in order to be thrown to a mad bull, the bull attacked Perpetua first and then darted at Felicitas, and gored her. Both women survived being attacked by the bull, but were later executed by sword. The audience watching the torture and execution was said to have been sickened by the sight of Felisitas’ lactating breast from  her recent birth. 11. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 12. Alexander Roberts et al., 10 Early Christian Saints: Polycarp, Perpetua and Felicitas, Cyprian, Eusebius, Antony, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Jerome, Patrick, Benedict (publication place: Error, 2012), 1. The Sixth Persecution, Under Maximus, A.D. 235, mn During the sixth persecution under the Emperor Maximus the president Seremianus was on a mission to kill as many Christians as he could. Many Christians were sentenced to death without ever even receiving a trial, Christians were killed in mass killings and dumped into mass graves not unlike the genocide bestowed upon the Jews, during Hitler’s reign of terror in the early part of the 1900’s. Christians were denied any or the respect or decency that so called â€Å"loyal Roman citizens† would expect in their death and burial. Many Christians were killed or tortured during this period; most notable are Pontianus, bishop of Rome, Anteros, his successor, who gave offence to the government by collecting the acts of the martyrs. As well as Hippolitus, a Christian prelate (high ranking member of the clergy) 13, who was cruelly tied to a wild horse, and dragged until he died. Persecution under Decius (250-251) After a time of relative peace and an emperor that was deemed a Christian, the emperor Decius had a decidedly vigorous hate for Christians. Decius goal was to erase even the name â€Å"Christian† at any cost. His decrees to kill Christians emboldened the heathens who were happy 13. Merriam-Webster, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (Springfield, MA: Merriam Webster Mass Market, 2004), 1. 14. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 to honor the decrees by killing any Christian they could find. The More Christian deaths attributed to one heathen the higher that heathen’s merit would be. Fabian, the bishop of Rome, was the first person of prominence to fall victim to this murderous rampage. The previous emperor, Phillip thought highly of Fabian and made the bishop his treasurer; however Decius did not think so highly of Fabian. On January 20, A.D. 250, he was beheaded Peter, a young, strong man, was stretched upon a wheel, by which all his bones were broken was beheaded for refusing to sacrifice to Venus. He was quoted as saying â€Å"I am astonished you should sacrifice to an infamous woman, whose debaucheries even your own historian’s record, and whose life consisted of such actions as your laws would punish. No, I shall offer the true God the acceptable sacrifice of praises and prayers.† 15 An innumerable amount of Christians were killed during this time. Christians are actively sought out by requiring public sacrifice. If they refused they would be killed or they could buy certificates (libelli) instead of sacrificing. The latter was against the rules of the church and carried a severe punishment16 Persecution under Valerian (257-59) Valerian took his position in A.D. 257 and maintained his position for three and a half years. During his reign there is no number that can be put on how many Christians were martyred during this time. A couple of the martyrs that were named were bishops with in Rome. There was Stephen who was beheaded and then there was a Toulouse who refused to sacrifice. 15. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 16. Ferguson, Everett. Church History. 2 vols. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2005-2013. Pp 161-162 Idols, which had his feet tied to the tail of a bull that ran down stairs causes his head to be smashed. Sextus who succeeded Stephen was very  courageous during his time a bishop. It was during his time that the government released an order to put to death all Christian clergy in Rome, Stephen as well as his deacons where martyred. With no regard of age, sex, or title Valerian continued to martyr Christian until he was captured and brought into slavery by the emperor of Persia. After being a slave for seven years, Valerian had his eyes removed and was flayed alive by the emperor, which is what caused Valerian to die. In A.D. 260, Gallienus, who was Valerian, succeeded his father and actually during his time, enjoyed peace with the church17 Persecution under Aurelian (r. 270–275) In A.D 274 Aurelian was in emperor of Rome and had been mainly responsible for the martyrs of two known Christians. The first being a bishop named Felix, who was an advanced prelate to the Roman see. He was later martyred by being sentenced to death by being beheaded. The other known martyr was a gentleman named Agapetus, who sold everything and gave it all to the poor. He was arrested for being a Christian, tortured and then beheaded for this deed. Although Aurelian is not tied together with many martyrs, we planted the seed that was later picked up by a leader named Diocletian. 17. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 Severe persecution under Diocletian and Galerius (303-324) In A.D 303 were succumbed to a new leader that had a vision of removing all Christians and everything related to the faith. A Roman leader named Galerius was persuaded by his adopted son Diocletian to start the  persecution of Christians. The persecution that was set forth towards became so bad that the time frame of these leaders became known as the Era of the Martyrs. This Era began on February 23, A.D 303 by churches being forced open and all books were removed and set to flames. Not being satisfied by the burning of the books Diocletian and Galerius had all churches levelled to the ground and all Christians render as outlaws. Many Christians were seized, severely tortured, and then burned alive. Enable to increase the persecution of Christians Galerius ordered the imperial palace to be set on fire and charge Christians with the crime. This lead to Christian homes being set on fire while families were in them and perishing in the fire. Some families were tied together with rocks around their necks and thrown into the sea. This kind of tortured last ten years and got to the level were new inventions were created on how to conduct torture as well as an entire city named Phrygia, was burnt to the ground with all the Christians from the town dying in the flames. At one point many of the governors came to the imperial court submitting how they were ti red with the slaughtering of the people. From that point on, since they could not be put to death, Christians had their ears, eyes, noses, or limbs removed to make life as hard as possible. During this time there was a Christian officer of the emperor’s guard at Rome named Sebastian. Not willing to give in to the pagan believe that was being taught to him as a guard, Sebastian was shot to death with arrows. Once the execution was completed, other Christians were allowed to recover his body for burial. It was during this time, that they found life in his body and proceeded to help him recover. Sebastian decided to confront Diocletian, who was overcome with surprise to see him alive, and reprehended him for various cruelties and prejudices against Christian. Sebastian was sentenced to death by beating and was thrown into the sewers where his body was later recovered and buried by Christians. The Christian Response One would expect for Christianity to have died out after so many centuries of  an all-out demonic attack against the people of God. That’s not what happened though. Despite all torture, discrimination. And mass killings. Christianity grew tremendously. In the face of immense persecution, many Christians decided that it was worth it to die before they would deny their Lord and Savior. Justin Martyr was quoted as saying Though beheaded, and crucified, and thrown to wild beasts, and chains, and fire, and all other kinds of torture, we do not give up our confession; but, the more such things happen, the more do others in larger numbers become faithful.20 The killing of Christians was meant to dissuade other citizens from becoming Christians and to persuade Christians to turn their back on God. Martyrdom was meant to be a dishonor; instead it became the highest honor for a Christian. Many onlookers marveled at the fact that Christians could be put through so much and still be str ong in their faith. 19. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 20. Justin Martyr, Michael Slusser, and Justin, Dialogue with Trypho (Selections from the Fathers of the Church), Revised ed. (Washington, DC: Catholic Univ of Amer Pr, 2003), 1. The very thing that was supposed to deter Roman citizens from Christianity was in actuality driving them toward it. Another Christian response to persecution was to write an apology, not an apology in the sense of the way we use the term today, but as a defense of Christianity. The Apologist as they are known wrote apology’s to defend Christians and their faith, against pagan actions and misconceptions. These apologies were mainly aimed at emperors to dispute the erroneous claims that pagans held about Christians, and to promote Christians as Good citizens of the Roman Government that held differing religious beliefs. Christians were not cannibalistic, law breaking, people who involved in orgies and this is what the apologies tried to convey, in hopes that the persecution of the time would subside. Conclusion From the beginning of the Christian faith there was always demonic opposition to the growth of Christianity. Satan used people as his pawns from the moment of the birth of Jesus to exterminate Gods plan for the world. After the death and resurrection of our Savior this demonic influence was kicked into overdrive. Roman Emperor after Roman Emperor tried to eradicate Christianity, but because of the strength and faith of many early Christians this did not happen. Today we can thank the early church fathers for laying the foundation and planting the seeds of the Church that we have today and especially in America take for granted. This does not mean that the devils all-out assault on the Christian church is over; it is still under attack even today. Still in many party of the world Christians are tortured and die every day because they refuse to deny the truth. The struggle of the early church seems to be so far away for some of us who live comfortably and have the freedom to worship ho w we want. In reality as a people we are not that far removed from it. Every Christian person should be aware of the price that was paid for the Christianity there is today. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Wilken, Robert L. The Christians as the Romans Saw Them. 2nd ed. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003. 2. Barnes, Albert. Scenes and Incidents in the Life of the Apostle Paul: Viewed as Illustrating the Nature and Influence of the Christian Religion. Publication place: Ulan Press, 2012. 3. Forbush, William Byron, ed. Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978. 4. Roberts, Alexander, James Donaldson, St. Athanasius, Philip Schaff, St Patrick, and Tertullian. 10 Early Christian Saints: Polycarp, Perpetua and Felicitas, Cyprian, Eusebius, Antony, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Jerome, Patrick, Benedict. publication place: Error, 2012. 5. Merriam-Webster. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam Webster Mass Market, 2004. 6. Ferguson, Everett. Church History. 2 vols. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2005-2013. 7. Martyr, Justin, Michael Slusser, and Justin. Dialogue with Trypho (Selections from the Fathers of the Church). Revised ed. Washington, DC: Catholic Univ of Amer Pr, 2003.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Domestic Violence Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Domestic Violence Issues - Essay Example the manifestations of violence within what should be a loving relationship to fully understand the horror to which victims are subjected and the need for adequate protection to be provided by both the civil and the criminal justice systems. Perpetrators and Victims Domestic violence is conceived of primarily as a problem of men's abuse of women. Although researchers have documented abuse within same sex relationships4 and although there is evidence that, in a comparatively small number of cases, women abuse men5, the available research suggests that domestic violence is overwhelmingly directed by men against women6. The prior relationship between victims and defendants is most apparent in crimes against women. Men are more likely then women to experience violent victimization. But the nature of these events differs greatly. Women are about six times more likely than men to experience violence committed by an intimate. The prior relationship between victim and offender causes particular problems for law enforcement officials in the area of domestic violence. Domestic Violence: Literary Review Violence in the context of intimate relationships encapsulates may types of abuse: emotional/psychological, physical, sexual and economic. Such abuse can occur within married, separated and divorced relationships or among single people living together or simply dating one another. Many enduring and dysfunctional aspects contribute to the violence that occurs, so it is important to examine how abusive episodes emerge within the context of the ongoing relationship. Of all the crimes reported to the British Crime Survey in 2000, more than 1 in 20 was classified as domestic violence. Survey reports of...A. Stanko (1989), 'Policing Men's Violence: An Introduction' in J. Hanmer, J. Radford and E. A. Stanko (eds), Women, Policing and Male Violence: International Perspectives, London and New York, Routledge Cook, B., David, F. & Grant, A. 1999, Victims' Needs, Victims' Rights: Policies and programs for victims of crime in Australia, Research and Public Policy Series No. 19, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Law Essay Questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law Questions - Essay Example Law Essay Questions The parties should have a high probability of the outcome of the mediation process before engaging a third party to listen to his or her views. The outcome of the mediation process may not vary much compared to litigation through the court system and even more the procedure is conducted in a friendly environment (Thompson & Gordon, 2014, p. 134). However, the mediation process could result to additional expense in some cases and possibility of delay in case the parties fail to arrive at an agreement. In the case of Halsey v Milton Keynes [19], the court provided direction ADR is beneficial to the disputing parties because it helps them reach consensus at greater efficiency and cost effectively. Cost efficiency is achieved where the mediation process is carried out through Family Mediation Service or court system because most of the costs are borne by the state. Furthermore, even in a situation where mediation is provided by private mediators the cost is shared by the parties concerned. Therefore, ADR is can be cost effective dispute resolution mechanism though this will be only applicable in cases where there is a successful settlement of the issues between the parties involved. The conflicting parties are sometimes involved in the mediation process thus giving them some control of the process. The time when issues can be settled, and the privacy of the matters discussed between mediators and the conflicting parties are of great significance to the parties.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

(LOVE) Country Research Project - Country - India - Industry - Mobile Paper

(LOVE) Country Project - Country - India - Industry - Mobile Telephone - Research Paper Example V. Narasimha Rao to initiate the liberalization and globalization process in full swing to put the country in high growth trajectory. That was indeed a turning point of the country. The state behemoth BSNL was the only service provider in the public sector and landline was the only available way of communication to the people. The people of the country had to wait several years to get BSNL landline connection as wait-list was fairly long and state resources were not enough to meet the investment needs of the country. In the wake of economic liberalization process, India suddenly became lucrative and telecommunication was earmarked as one of the thrust area. The government introduced National Telecom Policy in 1994 that defined certain objectives and also recognized the fact that the government does not have enough resources to meet the desired objectives. In 1995, the government of India decided to setup an independent regulatory body called TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India). The purpose was to regulate and spearhead the growth and investment in the field of telecommunication and formulate all policy matters striking a balance between users and industry. India is a second largest country in the world in terms of population. As per the latest census, population of the country has crossed 121 billion marks and that offers huge telecom market in the making. Administratively, the country is divided into 28 states and seven union territories. On religious composition, 80.5 percent of the population follows Hindu religion. Muslims constitute almost 13.4 percent of the population as the largest minority community. Christians constitute almost 2.3% of the population. India is also a land of many languages; however, Hindi is understood and spoken by a large section of the society. Most of the educated classes of the people understand

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discussion Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion Paper - Assignment Example In economics terms, scarcity is referred to as the lack of sufficient factors of production needed in the production of certain goods and services. Economists maintain that scarcity exists on economy-wide bases. For e.g. Individuals want many things for consumption but they have to go without some. Businesses have a choice of buying certain equipment in which they have to make a choice and go for the best option. Similarly, economies face scarcity when they decide to produce certain good with finite resources and forego the others. The concept with which these choices are made is called â€Å"Opportunity Costs†. This is a basic principle concerning scarcity. The concept holds that opportunity cost is giving up the next best alternative for the best and most rational choice. Similarly, trade-offs is another option to counter scarcity, so as exchange and international trade. In this class, we expect that we will be given certain tools and techniques that will help us manage the problem of scarcity and will help us deal with it in the most efficient manner. This will minimize the impact of scarcity and help us make rational choice given the quantities of finite factors of production at our hand. Equilibrium means balance and where there is no tendency to change. Market equilibrium is a situation where the plans of buyers meet the plans of suppliers at a particular price and hence there is no tendency to change as it will bring about varying outcomes from the perspective of both buyers and sellers. Therefore, it is the price at which a certain quantity of goods is supplied and bought and where a market is working efficiently. An example of how a change in demand resulted in change in price can be taken from oil industry. From 2000 onwards, the global economy experienced a boom. As a result, demand for oil started increasing exponentially. This resulted in increase in oil prices and oil prices reached near to $140/barrel in the first half of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Principles and Practices of Effective Leadership - Mod 2 Essay

Principles and Practices of Effective Leadership - Mod 2 - Essay Example To this end, the article recognizes the central role that will be played by emotional and cultural intelligence in developing such leaders (Hanna, 2012). There are also additional characteristics that are required for developing successful global leaders. To this end, intellectual understanding that is reflective of the global business context is one key characteristic. It refers to the ability to understand the complexities involved while conducting business globally (Hanna, 2012). The skill to overcome dominant thinking entails the capacity to appreciate the intercultural empathy and have a desire to learn about other cultures. A global leader should also have the desire for cross border partnering with teams in other countries. This skill demonstrates executive maturity in appreciating the value from other foreign and like minded corporations (Hanna, 2012). The author also states that the ability to develop and nurture local and global perspectives is a pertinent skill acquired through living and experiencing different parts of the world. The global leader also needs to have a sense of self assurance and self awareness in relation to their sense of purpose and values. Finally, the author asserts the important skill of developing internal and external networks. This aids in shifting management from a vertical perspective to horizontal collaboration. The article proposes that the global leadership qualities are developed through living in a culturally and linguistically different country. The article by Myron Curry delves into the factors that make a good leader and how an individual can develop into a good leader. To this end, the author states communication as one of the factors that establish a good leadership. The art of effective communication enables a leader to accurately articulate thoughts and ideas to employees (Curry). Evidently, the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assignment 10(775) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assignment 10(775) - Essay Example finds him/herself in a position to access the available opportunity in gaining additional into the research process and other topics that are under investigation. This action can lead to education empowerment between different individuals, especially encouraging and giving heart to those who didn’t have a heart in taking this action. Whenever a practitioner undertakes this, he/she will help others who might fear to do the same, they will come in, creating a pool of ideas, empowering their profession in the long run. It has also led to the emergence of the Action Research Community (ARC), where those with teaching jobs come together and share some of their ideas. In ARC, the education professionals present come up with ideas on how to improve some of the aspects of the educational process such as classroom instructional practice. The process of academician presenting their action research has empowered educator at all levels, especially those who take part and make proceedings on the same. They get their selves in a position to make decisions as a result developing skills and capabilities, and gain concentration towards developing their professional needs. This is because they learn a lot of knowledge and therefore effectively increase in their practice, by affecting them positively hence focusing on their professional needs. There are a number of alternative techniques, not discussed in the chapter that I can use for sharing the findings of my research. Nearly all this techniques are simply the adaptations of the other forms of professional communications, which have made use of the technology. I use of YOU-TUBE as a social site, where I will update all my new and current action research and my findings and other professionals in the same field can see. I will also come up with a website and create some links where all the other practitioners in the same line of profession, globally, can meet and share the newly identified ideas. Others will include

Team motivation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Team motivation - Case Study Example For any organisation to be productive, it needs to motivate its employees towards its goals so that it achieves its business objectives. Motivation for the employees can be internal or external. While external motivation is an incentive provided by another person, internal motivation is offered by the environment and achievement of the task. But just as the individuals are unique, motives are unique as well. They are individualistic, they evolve with the times and change and are hierarchical as well. What works for one person may not work for another person. Therefore finding the right motivating factor is a challenge by itself. It is a continuous process. The various theories have tried to analyse how exactly motivation works, and have added a lot of research and valuable knowledge that can applied to a current situation to arrive at a solution that best suits the current needs under the operational constraints. There is no universal theory that can be applied to all the situations and offer a universal solution. Fredrick Herzberg tried to understand the factors associated with job satisfaction which motivated or demotivated people to perform a task. These factors, called Motivators, if present caused Job satisfaction. Motivators usually included nature of task, responsibility, promotion, recognition awards and a sense of achievement. The absence of these motivators signalled lack of satisfaction according to Herzberg. He also found that another set of factors, when absent, caused Job Dissatisfaction. However the presence of these factors did not cause Job Satisfaction. The presence of these factors called Hygiene Factors meant that the people were not dissatisfied, but neither were they satisfied. Hygiene factors included company policies, supervision, low rewards, substandard working conditions and poor relationship in the workplace. "Turning past de-motivators within your organization into future motivators for employees and aligning them to the objectives of the company will ensure both succeed". (Source:

Friday, August 23, 2019

Modern Cryptographc Protocol in Fixed and Mobile Communication Research Paper

Modern Cryptographc Protocol in Fixed and Mobile Communication - Research Paper Example Introduction Cryptography represents the practice as well as the study of effective procedures and techniques enduring secure communication amid various technological instruments. It reveals about constructing as well as analyzing the protocols that mainly overwhelms the effect of adversaries. It is to be stated that cryptography is the synonym of encryption which signifies translation of information that is readable to a particular state that cannot be decoded. With this concern, this particular study entails the application of modern cryptography over fixed as well as mobile communication. It can be apparently observed that network security incorporates wide application of cryptographic protocols as well as algorithms in order to ensure secured and safe communication within different technological aspect. It is worth mentioning in this similar concern that cryptography tends to secure communication with respect to several significant areas such as internet, e -commerce as well as m obile communication by a greater level (Lundh, & Cortier, 2002). ... With this growing nature, there remains an increased demand for information protection. Furthermore, it has been revealed that communication being involved within modern business scenario entail both fixed as well as mobile communication. Moreover, it has also been observed that in order to keep pace with the competitive market, volume of information is also being accelerated. As a matter of fact, it can be apparently observed that traditional cryptography has been mainly designed as well as verified by applying or implementing informal as well as intuitive techniques. Furthermore, it can be viewed that absence of proper verification mainly lead towards occurring flaws as well as security errors. These errors further remain undetected and creates problem with respect to communication. Formal verification views at providing a rigid as well as a thorough medium for evaluating the effectiveness of cryptographic protocols (Chaabouni, Lipmaa, & Shelat, 2009). In order to determine the imp act of cryptographic protocols especially in fixed communications, it can be affirmed that protocol authentication is usually accomplished by deductive reasoning on the basis of application. It has been revealed that protocol goals must be fixed accurately at the presence of flaws within protocol assumption. It can be viewed that if the protocol goals are not accurate, then validation concerning fixed communications cannot be succeeded. In this similar concern, certain advanced strategies need to be adopted as well as executed for improving as well as developing numerous equipments that simplifies the verification procedure by a considerable level. As a matter of fact, simplification of protocol procedure incorporates certain major

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Legal, Safety and Regulatory Requirements Essay Example for Free

Legal, Safety and Regulatory Requirements Essay This paper examines the impact of legal, safety and the regulatory requirements of the human resources development in an organization. This aspects look at the rights of the employee and the employer and how they are secured. This human resources process affects the lawful, well-being, and governing guidelines inside a business while the privileges of those employers and workers are protected by the U. S. Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Department of Homeland Security. The employee-related regulations are to guard the privileges of a company and worker. The U. S. Department of Labor gives organization an excellent effective setting and reduces employment ratios by offering development within the organization. The human resources areas have to commit to having current rules and guidelines for salaries and times worked. And human resources management has to guarantee all personnel whether United States residents or non-United States mindful of any material may possibly be related (United States Department of Labor, 2011). According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 states it is unlawful to differentiate a capable individual with a disability. The law states it is prohibited to react against an individual since the individual complained about injustice, filed an allegation of discrimination, or take part in discrimination complaint. It expects that employers fairly provide the known physical or mental restrictions of an otherwise capable individual with a disability who is an applicant or employee, unless doing so would force an undue difficulty on the process of the employers business. The employees of Department of Homeland Security work diligently to preserve the well-being and safety of the United States. They work with municipalities, people, and countries to support them plan for and pull through from emergencies. They evaluate dozens of virtual security statements, and portions of intelligence, continuing continuous communication with specialists all through the country to defend the United States most important buildings and resources. With the legislation of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Department Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge made a commitment that the new human resources system would be the result of a cooperative and comprehensive process involving supervisors, employees, labor organizations, and a expansive group of participants and specialists from the Federal division and private organization in order to deliver the greatest procedures possible for the employees of Homeland Security. The final guidelines administer to the new human resources for Department Homeland Security is evidence to that commitment The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defends all employees working inside a corporation against discrimination regarding age, disability, sex, national origin, color or race. The human resources organization has to stay in agreement by making sure that all supervisors are extremely capable to properly relate with employees in the process of hiring, training, advancing, and dismissing. This law is enforced by a federal agency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This law is laid out into three segments that consist of e sexual harassment, affirmative action, and equal opportunity. These three different segments have a huge influence on the human resources division, and the employment process and this department must follow the law. These equal opportunity regulations will guarantee an employee is given an equal opportunity while submitting an application or resume for a position at an organization regardless of race, age, or gender. When looking at affirmative action this process allows an organization to hire individuals which fit in to a certain group of individuals. The sexual harassment process is put into the work environment to guarantee employees both women and men are secured under both federal and state law, sexual harassment can be verbal, physical or both, this type of harassment cannot only affect an employee’s work environment, but more importantly that person emotional well-being. Sexual harassment can make an employee feel uncomfortable coming to work, prevents them from focusing on their tasks work, and they can take that emotional stress home with them. The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 law makes it unlawful to discriminate against any individual basis on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. It also makes it unlawful to react hostile to an individual because the individual protested about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in a discrimination lawsuit (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2011). This law also states that supervisors reasonably provide candidates and employees time to hold religious customs, except if doing so would inflict an unnecessary stress on the owners organization. This also goes for the federal government and employment services, and labor establishments, also need to acknowledge the law. The majority of discrimination lawsuits claim a violation of this law. In regards to the statement that, â€Å"Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by litigation. † I look up the definition and it stated that Common sense is sound practical judgment derived from experience rather than study. And compassion is sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help (Encarta 1999). Guidelines and procedures are put in place to defend employees and employers. Nevertheless, not all procedures and guideline are for every employee or employer. Every situation is different and has to be approach differently; no two people are the same. A human resources manager has to be able to look at these different situations and make a choice that’s good for the organization employees. Making the right decisions protect the organization from lawsuits. The distress of upsetting employees or possible ligation has caused human resources departments to outline guidelines and procedures.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Housing Industry In Malaysia Construction Essay

Housing Industry In Malaysia Construction Essay House is a basic need for human. This need must be fulfilling in order to make an individual live in good health and safety. Therefore, one of the social objectives in country development is to provide housing facilities to people not just to fulfil their basic need but also for economic growth of the country. To meet the increasing housing need, ministry of housing and local government always make a review of housing policy to draft more compressive national housing policy. The matters that government take into consideration in order to undertake the housing project is as follows: Need, demand and supply Land for housing Finance Human resources Technology, design of materials, standards Law Infrastructure, utilities and social services Socio-culture, socio-politic and socio-economic Research and development Maintenance of development and infrastructure Data centers and information of housing These policies implemented based on the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001-2005) and continued during the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010). In the Ninth Malaysia Plan, the development of housing sectors continues to be focused in order to provide adequate house to people. Population growth rapidly especially in urban areas due to demographic factors, rapidity of industry sector, increase of investment, financial system and technology encourage housing policy to be continued in Ninth Malaysia Plan. By 2020, the population of Malaysia is expected to increase to 32 million people or 65% of the resident in urban areas. Due to population growth, the need and demand for house is also expected to increase. Housing is the important strategic sector in economic, so is expected the housing investment will be concentrated in urban areas. In 1994, housing industry produces 7.3 billion outputs and contributes 12% to national income (Ali Azhar, 2000). 2.2 HOUSING INDUSTRY IN MALAYSIA In providing housing, government and the private sector has an important social responsibility. This responsibility includes the provision of social infrastructure and a healthy environment for residents. This responsibility is important in order to overcome the problems such as poverty and solidarity among the people. Housing industry in Malaysia involve public (Government) and private sector and also joint venture between the two sectors to meet the need of all community in Malaysia. Therefore, housing development in Malaysia is implemented by the public and private sector (National Housing Department). Housing provision for all community in Malaysia is carried out by public and private sector as follows: 2.2.1 Public Sector (Government sector) Integrated public housing program Project Perumahan Rakyat Bersepadu (PPR) Housing Loan Scheme Skim Pinjaman Perumahan (SPP) Housing under the Land and Regional Development Agencies. Perumahan Di Bawah Pembangunan Tanah dan Wilayah Housings Economic Development Agency Perumahan Kemajuan Ekonomi Government Quarters Perumahan Kakitangan Kerajaan PPR and SPP program in public sector is provide especially for lower income group to achieve the government aims which is to improve the quality of life and combat the poverty problem. This program was undertaken by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. For the Housing under the land and regional development agency such as FELDA, FELCRA, KEJORA, KETENGAH and so on is establish for the purpose to provide a home or house for people involved in land and regional planning and also include the local resident who moved due to the opening of new agricultural areas, while state economic development cooperation (PKEN) and urban development cooperation (UDA) are involved in the development of commercial, industrial and construction. For the government quarters, the aim is to provide the housing facilities to the government employees especially for low-income employees. 2.2.2 Private Sector Licensed Private Housing Developers Perumahan Pemaju Swasta Berlesen Cooperative Housing Perumahan Koperasi Special Low Cost Housing Perumahan Khas Perumahan Kos Rendah (PKPKR) Individual and Group Housing Perumahan Individu dan Kumpulan The housing that develops by private sector is like detached house, terrace, flat, apartments, shops and town house that consist of low, modest and high cost. Special low cost housing is a special program implemented during the period 1986 to 1989. This program is a partnership between public and private sector. Federal government and state government plays a role in providing incentives as well as the facilitator for the developer who participate in the program, while the private sector involved in construction activities. Individual and group housing include both formal and informal housing. Formal housing is housing that less than 4 units, and was develop with approval from local authorities, while not formal housing include the construction of residential houses without obtaining approval from relevant authorities such as traditional house, village house, squatters, labor camps and floating house (Elinawati, 2003). 2.3 LEGISLATIN IN THE MALAYSIA HOUSING INDUSTRY Currently there are about 700 federal acts in force in many fields and certain condition. In Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1996 is the key in controlling the activities of developers in order to protect the interest of home buyers. But there are other legislations that play an important role either directly or indirectly in the activities of housing industry. Therefore, all the weakness and imperfections of such laws will affect the housing industry. The following is a list of legislation that plays a role in the housing industry: Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1996 (act 118) Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (act 172) Roads, drains and building Act 1974 (act 133) Town Planning Act 1995 (act 538) Fire Service Act 1988 ( act 341) Bank and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (act 372) Contract Act 1950 (act 136) Government Contract Act 1949 (act 120) Environmental Quality Act 1974 (act 127) Regulations and Orders Land Acquisition Act 1960 (act 486) and the Rules Ordinances Acquisition of Land (compensation)(special provision)1948 [P.T.M.Ord.21/1948) Strata Titles Act 1948 (act 318) Licensed Land Surveyor Act 1958 (act 458) Quantity Surveyor Act 1967 ( act 487) National Land Code 1965 (act 56/1965) Additionally, by-law enacted according to Road, drains and building act is as follows: Uniform Building By Law 1984 Earthworks By Law 1985 While the by-law under the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) 1966 are: Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989 Housing Developers ( Housing Development Account) Regulations 1991 2.4 PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE MALAYSIA HOUSING INDUSTRY In the housing industry, there are several organizations that play an important role as the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) or local authorities, developers, contractors, professionals and home buyer (Leong Seng, 2001) 2.4.1 Ministry of Housing and Local Government Ministry of Housing and Local Government was establishing on May 24, 1964 under the name of the Local Government and Housing. On July 18, 1978 the ministry has changed the organizations and reorganize under the name of Ministry of Housing and Local government. This establishment is the result of a combination of the ministry of housing and rural development with the local government which previously located under the Ministry of Local Government and Federal Territories ( Ministry of Housing and Local Government has a number of divisions and department that are closely related to the housing industry as below: National Landscape Department Solid Waste Management Corporation and Public Cleansing Town and Country Department Fire and Rescue Department Local Government National Housing Department Solid Waste Management Department Training Institute of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. The main role of KPKT is to ensure the development of housing industry is in clean and maintained to ensure the interest of house buyers. The licensing and advisory services in KPKT are entrusted to manage issuance of licenses, advertising permits and sales to developers. Developer who built a house more than 4 units to sell is required to obtain licenses, advertising permits and sales from KPKT. Only private developers are required to obtain the licenses, advertising permits and sales, cooperative and state cooperation are exempted from the licenses, advertising permits and sales. However, private developer also can be exemption from the licenses, advertising permits and sales, but in certain condition that was stated below: Build less than 4 unit house. Construct more than 4 unit house, but not making any sales. Construct the houses but sold after a certificate of fitness (CFO) is full. To ensure the guaranteed of buyers interest, all housing developer is compulsory to open an account in bank or financial institution specifically for each housing project. The account is to ensure that the housing developers use the housing buyers money in appropriate manner. Under the Housing Developers (Housing Development Account) Regulations 1991 all the money collected from purchasers and all loan obtain by the developer from bank or financial institution must be put into this account. All withdrawals from this account must be comply with the objectives set out in regulation 7 in Housing Developer (Housing Development Account) Regulations 1991 and controlled by the bank or financial institution and a certificate from registered architect or engineer who is responsible for that housing project. The monitoring and Enforcement department of KPKT will monitor the project and enforce the law. Enforcement officer will visit the construction site to ensure that the progressing of the project follows the schedule. Because of too many housing projects and the small number of enforcement officer, surveillance is done at random and selectively. 2.4.2 National Housing Development (JPN) National housing development also plays a role in the housing industry in develop a progressive and integrated community. JPN has high commitment in assisting the state government to provide the affordable and comfortable house through the planning, provision, and implementation of low-cost public housing such as integrated public housing program (PPR). The functions of JPN are: Providing the basis of planning and policy related to the development of housing construction to help KPKT draft the policy, strategies and housing development plans for the country. Carry out research on building technology, construction and design with local universities as well as undertaking socio-economic studies and the effectiveness of the housing projects of public and private sectors. Help government and private developer in planning and coordination of their housing projects and the building. Provide technical consultancy service such as land surveying, architectural, civil and structural engineering, mechanical engineering, contract management, management in the public housing project. Providing loans to those who are not able to get loans to build or buy a house. 2.4.3 Housing Developer Public developer is consisting of government agency or the corporations that control by the state or federal government. Their responsibility is to implement policies, guideline and national housing policy to protect the welfare of the poor people. All of the activities that undertaken by the government agency or corporations are not subject to the Housing Developer (control and licensing) Act 1996 and its regulations as bound by their respective government. To achieve the national housing policy, government has planned a number of housing programs like the following below in order to meet the demand of low-income group. Integrated public housing program Housing Lon Scheme Housing under Land and Regional Development Agencies Economic Housing Development Agency Government Quarters For private developers companies, if they want to develop a housing project they should get the housing licenses from KPKT as stated in section 5 of the Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) act 1996. Private sector involvement is important in order to achieve the policy objective because without the private sector, government is not able to provide housing to meet community needs. In the private sector, the program implemented are diverse and in demand from time to time. The housing development by private sector involved various categories and type of housing especially a medium and high price. Housing program can be categorized as follows: Private Licensed Housing Developers Special Low cost Housing Program (PKPKR) Individual and Group Housing 2.4.4 The Contractor In a housing scheme, the contractor is the second most important after a housing developer because they would involve themselves directly in the construction process and implementation of the project. If contractor have problem, so indirectly it also bring the problem to the developer and thus affect the housing industry. This is because the Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) act 1996 and regulations stipulated that the licensed developer need to complete the construction project within 2 years and if cannot be completed, developer must apply to extend the period of the development by giving the specific reasons. When developers get an approval for planning permission, they will appoint certain contractors to begin work on construction site. Normally the developer will appoint a main contractor who has a good record and demonstrated their ability to implement the project. After that, the main contractor will appoint contractors to carry out minor works in accordance with their respective areas of expertise. For the certain big developer company they not need to appoint a contractor to perform the construction work because they have their own contractors and expert team. The contractors involved in the construction industry need to get a license from the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia or CIBD according to certain procedures. They will be given specific training in their respective field so that the quality of the construction industry can be enhanced from time to time. Contractors who wish to commence operations need to be registered in the Construction Service Centre (PKK), according to the ability of the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and their respective classes. 2.4.5 Professionals In housing scheme, developers is the first one who plan and identify the location that housing project want to be carried out. From the beginning of the implementation process until complete, developer need a expertise from various of field such as Real Estate Valuer, Architect, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Land Surveyor, financial institution and lawyer to provide all the conditions required by the government department. Developer needs the Property Valuers expertise to ensure that the proposed site is suitable to be developed. The valuers will examine factors such as the value of surrounding real estate market around, the distance from the city center to the site, the facilities in the surrounding, the ability and taste the local population, the types and the prices of house that suitable to develop in that site, so report can be prepared to the developer. If the Feasibility study report show that the site is potentially to be developed, the developer will get the site either by the way of purchasing the land or through Land Acquisition Act 1960 (Act 486). When the developer gets the land, he will appoint consultant to undertake the project. For a large development company, they usually have their own consultant and set it up as subsidiary. At this stage, consultant should prepare a site plan, layout plan, and drainage to the local authority for approval. If the land is developed to be bound by any condition or restriction of interest and need to apply for subdivision, partition, or amalgamation so the land surveyor will play a role in these process until the approval from the State Authority (PBN). Architect and Engineers play a role in providing design plans and building involved in the project implementation stage. Architect need to design the type of housing that will be developed based on the taste of buyers and accordance with current developments. According to Razali Agus, designing a house is important factor to attract house purchasers. Before the construction process begins, engineers need to require the quantity surveyor to identify the materials needed and the cost required in providing these materials. Engineer is responsible to ensuring that all construction work is follows the Building plan prepared by the architect and follow the development schedule. While for the lawyer, they involved in Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) of the Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 requires the attorney to provide the letter of the agreement. He lawyer also responsible for ensuring that all content is understood by the buyer before signing the SPA. The role of financial institutions is financing the activities of housing development. The developer must obtain loan from financial institutions to finance the cost of housing project undertaken. Money that borrowed from financial institutions to the developer and the money paid by the purchaser should be put in housing development account and controlled by the institution. 2.4.6 House Purchaser House purchaser is the most important group in housing industry because the success of failure the industry will determine by them, whether in term of financial capability, taste, and desire to own a house. The main factor influencing the decision of the house buyers is the ability to buy a house. 2.5 GOVERNMENT HOUSING LOAN 2.5.1 Basic Condition for Government Housing Loan The basic condition for government housing loan is: Government employees with fixed position Malaysian Application form submitted 6 month before retirement or termination of service Have served at least 1 year The position have been confirm Not a bankrupt person or a debtor person or not capable or being disciplinary action 2.5.2 Qualification Rate of Housing Loan Qualification rate of the loan is applied for the judges, the civil officer and members of general forces in Malaysia. The eligible amount of loan is as follow table 2.1: NUM MONTHLY WAGE LOAN ELIGIBLITY 1. RM 3500 and above RM 300,000 2. RM 3000 to RM 3499 RM 250,000 3. RM 2500 to RM 2999 RM 220,000 4. RM 2000 to RM 2499 RM 200,000 5. RM 1500 to RM 1999 RM 160,000 6. RM 1200 to RM 1499 RM 130,000 7. RM 1000 to RM 1199 RM 100,000 8. RM 800 to RM 999 RM 80,000 9. RM 600 to RM 799 RM 60,000 10. RM 599 and below RM 40,000 Table 2.1: Wages and Eligibility Amount of Loan (Sources: 2.6 FACTORS OF SURPLUS SUPPLY IN HOUSING INDUSTRY The factors that affect oversupply of housing is: 2.6.1 The Weak of Purchasers Income Growth According to the Malaysia Sixth and Eighth Plan, the weak of the purchaser income growth is the major factor lead to oversupply in housing sector. 2.6.2 Difficulty in Getting a Loan Malaysia sixth Plan also stated that difficulty in getting the government loan is also the factor of housing oversupply. The special loan scheme that introduced by Bank Negara Malaysia in 1982 and new condition imposed by the housing loan scheme reduced the demand for house. 2.6.3 Higher Interest Rate Higher interest rate is also a factor why the surplus in housing supplies. 2.6.4 Higher House Price Higher house prices are also among one of the factors that cause oversupply. Housing prices offered by the developer has reduced the high demand for housing units since most of them are not able to buy the house. 2.6.5 Location Location is also a factor in the oversupply of housing. If a house is locate far from the city center, from work place and from the public facilities is the factor why the purchaser not interested in that house. 2.6.6 Design Usually the design of the house that offers by the developer is simple and the spaces are limited. 2.7 CONCLUSION From the discussion of chapter 2, we can understand in general about the housing industry in Malaysia. In Malaysia, housing industry not just only run by the government but, also run by private parties. The government is also responsible to outlining and reviewing housing policies for the formulation of more comprehensive national housing policy. This policy is necessary to meet a proposed project to be implemented in the Malaysia Eighth Plan. Many people are involved in order to stabilize the housing industry in Malaysia. They play a vital role in helping the government to increase the housing industry. With the cooperation of all sectors or parties, the Malaysia housing industry sectors is expected to be more advanced and competitive in providing housing to meet requirement of the government and people, especially in Kelantan.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Serving the political objectives of the principal participants

Serving the political objectives of the principal participants The Korean War officially began on 25 Jun 1950 when forces of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK North Korea) invaded the Republic of Korea (ROK South Korea). After initial stunning successes by both sides, there then followed over 3 years of bloody conflict which ultimately ended in an uneasy status quo ante bellum which still persists. The central hypothesis to this paper is that the use of military force was an effective policy tool for all parties involved to meet defined political objectives. The degree of success that each state/organisation achieved will be examined in detail. This essay will be limited to analysing the conflicts immediate aftermath and will not consider events beyond the Geneva Conference in Apr 1954. Specifically, this essay will investigate the rationale that led the DPRKs leader (Kim Il Sung) to consider the use of military force to achieve his primary objective of unifying Korea. The causes of the Korean War will also be briefly examined to set analysis in context. Causes The decisive event that caused the Korean War was the decision by two US Army Colonels on 10 August 1945 to divide Korea at the 38th parallel  [1]  . The decision was taken on Aug 10 1945 and for no better reason than à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it would place the capital city [Seoul] in the American zone.  [2]  From the moment that the Korean partition decision was made public, the leaders of the DPRK and ROK were essentially determined to establish a unified country by diplomatic or military means. Indeed, many in the United States were worried that the ROK would invade the DPRK first, such was the bellicose rhetoric emanating from the ROK President Synghman Rhee. The dividing line on the 38th parallel did not have any historical significance to Koreans of any faction and the imposition of an arbitrary dividing line by the joint Soviet/United Commission in Korea came as a total shock  [3]  . Indeed, Bruce Cumings asserts that the interim United States occupation forces nearly became as unpopular as the newly ousted Japanese once the 38th Parallel decision became widely known  [4]  . It can therefore be argued that nascent nationalism, coupled with diametrically opposed ideologies and the unfortunate choice of an arbitrary dividing line provided the catalyst for the DPRK invasion of the ROK on 25 Jun 1950. It can also be postulated that Kim Il Sung was left with little option but to resort to military means to bring about his desired end state of unifying Korea. Military outcomes From its inception, the Korean War was viewed as a limited war by the principal combatants, who (albeit for different reasons) had no wish to see the conflict escalate into a wider conflagration. The military outcome of the Korean War was indeterminate, with neither side emerging as a clear victor. After the initial period of manoeuvre (from Jun 1950 Jun 1951) the Korean War settled into a stalemate reminiscent of World War 1 trench warfare. With neither side willing to escalate the conflict to gain a decisive edge, continued operations by UN and Communist forces essentially became a series of (relatively) pointless battles  [5]  in order to gain territory or exert political leverage at the Armistice negotiations in Panmunjom. When the Korean Armistice was formally signed on 27 Jul 1953, a heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) was established following front line positions. Neither side could claim victory in the true sense of the word. Political and Strategic Objectives of the Soviet Union Due to chronic instability in the ROK, the Korean peninsula perhaps presented the best opportunity for a communist leaning buffer state to be established that would protect Soviet and Chinese borders from any perceived American threat. The northern portion of Korea was occupied by Soviet troops, who quickly moved to support indigenous communist orientated commissariats. Kim Il Sung emerged as the favoured choice of the Soviet leadership and the DPRK was established in 1948. Once it became clear that Korea would not be unified by political means alone, and the Soviet Union had successfully tested an atomic bomb, Stalin eventually gave his consent and backing to Kim Il Sung  [6]  to proceed with the invasion of the ROK, but was purportedly unwilling to widen the conflict and risk a wider war with the USA  [7]  . Stalin viewed the Korean conflict as a key part of a wider Soviet strategy to embroil the USA (and its allies) in a protracted struggle far away from what both sides regarded as the Centre of Gravity in Europe. In this the Soviets largely succeeded as the USA became wedded to the defence of the ROK on a point of principle after the DPRK invasion. Stalin also determined that it would be perhaps better for the Soviet Union to engage in conflict with the United States at an early juncture, rather than to wait for Germany and Japan to be re-armed, which would greatly increase Western military capability: [Stalin] à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦added that even if the USA provoked a big war, let it take place now rather than a few years later, when Japanese militarism will be restored as an American ally, and when the United States and Japan will possess a military spring-board on the continent in the form of Rhees Korea.  [8]   The Soviet Unions relationship with China was crucial. Stalin viewed newly communist China as the junior partner in the communist world. While content to provide administrative, technical and planning advice, Stalin determined that the Soviet Union would not become overtly involved in any Korean conflict in order to avoid a direct confrontation with the United States. Kim Il Sung visited Moscow in Apr 1950; during this period, Stalin laid out the terms of any DPRK invasion of the ROK as: The Chinese (specifically Mao Zedong) must approve the invasion; The DPRK invasion must appear as a counter to an ROK move into the DPRK; and that Kim Il Sung would not be able to rely on overt Soviet support if the USA intervened, but would have to rely on Chinese support  [9]  . In essence, Stalin determined that there were great advantages to a conflict being fought by proxy between the fledgling communist Chinese state and the United States. A conflagration in Korea that pitted the United States against China would make any chance of rapprochement between the two states highly unlikely and would also fix American attention far from the Soviet vital ground in eastern Europe. Another key piece of evidence of Soviet strategy was revealed by the former Sovier premier Nikita Khrushchev. In his memoirs, Khrushchev gave an explanation of why Stalin decided to support Kim Il Sungs proposed invasion of the ROK. Khrushchev stated that when the United States Secretary of State (Dean Acheson) publicly stated that the ROK was outside of the United States Defence Perimeter  [10]  , this inadvertently sent a strong signal to Stalin that the ROK was a soft spot that was worth exploiting  [11]  . Stalin therefore reasoned that the United States would not commit forces to support the ROK regime in the event of a DPRK invasion  [12]  . Once it became clear that the Korean Peninsula would not be unified by diplomatic means, Stalin was content to sanction the use of military force (by his DPRK proxy) to bring about unification of Korea. The eventual outcome of the Korean War did not meet the Soviet primary political goal of establishing a communist, unified Korea as the eventual cease fire line ran almost exactly along the 38th parallel. Despite this, it can be argued that the Soviet Union greatly benefited from the outcomes of the Korean War. The United States was badly shaken by the Chinese intervention in Nov 1950  [13]  and the loss of American prestige was tangible when United Nations forces were forced into a pell-mell retreat south after the Chinese riposte in Nov 1950. The Korean War diverted the United States from what the Soviet Union determined as its vital ground in Europe. Korea also provided a means to test Soviet military capabilities in combat against the United States, especially in the air. Finally, Korea also allowed the Soviet Union to cement its relationship with China and prevent any rapprochement between China and the United States. The Soviet Union, by financing and supporting its Chinese and DPRK proxies was thus able to meet the majority of its aims, without becoming overtly involved in the fighting. On the minus side, Soviet support for the DPRK invasion unwittingly provided the justification for huge increases in United States military spending and the rearmament of West Germany and Japan. The Soviets were henceforth viewed as aggressors bent on spreading communism throughout the world, which the United States was clearly going to resist. United States Political Objectives and Strategy Prior to the outbreak of the Korean War, debate was intense as to how the United States should respond to the perception that Soviet aggression in Europe and elsewhere was on the increase. With memories of the Berlin Airlift still fresh and communist ideology seemingly in the ascendancy everywhere, US policy makers sought to determine what course the United States should follow in response to perceived Soviet aggression. A key strategy document outlined the United States response to the communist threat and was drafted in early Jan 1950 by the National Security Council (NSC). The resulting paper (NSC 68) aimed to define how the United States would respond to Soviet expansionist aims and also made predictions about the future nature of conflict between the superpowers in a bi-polar world post World War 2. While it was recognised that the main Soviet threat was most likely in Europe, NSC 68 recognised that the communist threat was global and would have to be countered. NSC 68 defined t he United States options as: Option 1: Maintain current policy; Option 2: Adopt an Isolationalist stance; Option 3: Go to war with the Soviet Union; Option 4: Fund and authorise a rapid build up of political, military and economic strength.  [14]   NSC 68 painted a dire picture of Soviet intentions and recommended that Option 4 was the preferred course to chart. The principal author (Paul H. Nitze) proposed radical steps, many of which were politically highly sensitive. Key recommendations were that West Germany should be rearmed as a priority and that a policy of Containment be adopted. Containment was defined as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It is one which seeks by all means short of war to (1) block further expansion of Soviet power, (2) expose the falsities of Soviet pretensions, (3) induce a retraction of the Kremlins control and influence, and (4) in general, so foster the seeds of destruction within the Soviet system that the Kremlin is brought at least to the point of modifying its behaviour to conform to generally accepted international standards  [15]  . President Harry S. Truman was presented with the conclusions from NSC 68 in Apr 1950. Its findings placed Truman in a dilemma; although the United States still had many more nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union,  [16]  the United States could not afford the increase in conventional military spending and support to European nations proposed by the paper. The United States Congress had strongly opposed increased military spending in favour of more spending within the United States. A fierce debate thus raged in the United States as to how perceived Soviet aggression should be responded to. United States policy towards the ROK was somewhat haphazard. As already mentioned, Acheson had publicly stated that the ROK was outside of the United States Defence Perimeter and relations with Rhee were often difficult given his bellicose nature and frequent outbursts about reunifying Korea by force. This prompted the US Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to press for remaining US troops to be withdrawn in order to concentrate on more important commitments elsewhere. The last US troops were withdrawn late in 1949, which again seemed to signal to Kim Il Sung and Stalin that the United States would not intervene in the event of an invasion of the ROK. Meanwhile, the debate over the implications of NSC 68 continued to rage in Washington, with those in favour of increasing military spending gaining little traction in the face of harsh budget realities. The invasion of the ROK on 25 Jun 1950 was greeted with shock in Washington and no doubt a degree of satisfaction by those that had signposted the Soviet inspired communist threat. American policy was thus immediately polarised and global US Political objectives were quickly wedded to the idea of Containment. The DPRK invasion of the ROK acted as an accelerant that ignited the United States commitment to defending what it perceived as the free nations of the world. Due to an ongoing Soviet boycott of the Untied Nations, the United States was able to secure the UNs approval for the use of force and quickly committed substantial forces in support of the United Nations Command (UNC) in order to restore ROK sovereign territory. With the support of the UN and the containment of DPRK forces at Pusan, many in the United States began to call for a more aggressive strategy to Rollback communism. The United States implemented its Rollback strategy in Korea after the successful landings at Inchon on 15 Sep 1950 had severed DPRK supply routes and seen communist forces retreat in disarray back over the 38th parallel. UN Security Council Resolutions 82 85 condemned DPRK actions and eventually gave UNC forces authority to proceed north across the 38th parallel with the express intent of removing Kim Il Sung and reunifying Korea as a nation state. What set out as an ideological stance taken in Washington to Rollback communism was thus implemented in reality i n Korea, with poor results after decisive Chinese intervention. While it will be debated later in this essay if the UNC advance precipitated Chinas entry into the conflict, it certainly was a contributory factor. The United States was justified to seek UN approval to use force to restore ROK territorial integrity; Containment was a valid political objective that justified the use of force in response to the perceived Soviet threat. The Rollback strategy was (with hindsight) unjustifiable and did not warrant the use of force in a vain attempt to unify Korea. Overall, and despite the ambiguity of its outcome, the Korean War had important implications for American foreign policy. In the short-term, the conflict globalized the policy of containment and was the impetus for vastly increased Defence spending and extensive US military deployments in Europe and elsewhere. The Korean War deepened the United States already combative relationship with the Soviet Union and effectively scuppered any possibility of cordial diplomatic relations with Communist China for twenty years. The outcome of the Korean War was satisfactory for the United States. Communist advances had been contained and the ROK preserv ed as a bulwark against communism in Asia. Korea also had a far ranging impact on US policy and the policy of containment was to be applied to South Vietnam with disastrous results. China In Apr 1949, the Chinese Civil War ended in the decisive defeat of the Chinese Nationalists. A newly unified China under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong was keen to assert much greater influence in the region and this was to be a critical factor for the duration of the Korean War. United States support for the remnants of the Chinese Nationalist regime in Taiwan continued to be a major source of friction between the United States and China and was an underlying theme that determined Chinese political and strategic objectives in the region. As a result of the United States overt support of the Nationalist regime and the lack of Chinese counters to US military strength (particularly Naval), Mao was keen to determine if there was an indirect means to confront the United States and perhaps even extract concessions over the future of the Nationalist redoubt in Taiwan. Chinas decision to enter the Korean War was determined by Chinese leaders interpretation of Chinas security interests and their judgment as to how Chinas security would be affected by entering the conflict. At this early juncture after the conclusion of the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese leadership was highly sensitive as to how Chinas stature, capability and willingness to defend its position were perceived by outsiders and particularly the West. China had suffered greatly at the hands of Great Britain and the USA and others during a prolonged period of foreign intervention in its affairs and Mao determined at an early stage that China would become involved in a Korean conflict if the situation dictated  [17]  . Once UN Forces crossed the 38th parallel in force and the Rollback strategy was openly advocated by the United States, the Rubicon was clearly crossed for the Chinese leadership and in particular Mao Zedong leaving them little choice but to act to defend its interests in the region. In essence, if all of Korea was occupied by UNC forces, then this would (in the eyes of the Chinese leadership) create a fatal danger to the fledgling Chinese revolution. Chinas use of force to meet its strategic objectives was fully justified in the minds of the Chinese leadership. The sanctity of the Chinese revolution appeared to be under threat once Rollback gained significant support in the UN. It can also be argued that Mao saw a fleeting opportunity for China to deal an embarrassing blow to UN Forces by committing large numbers of Chinese volunteers at a decisive moment in the campaign. By committing Chinese forces to an ideological struggle such as Korea, Maos reasoning can be assessed as sound; China would bolster its credibility within communist circles and perhaps emerge from the conflict as a beacon for other fledgling communist states so long as the west was prevented from securing success in Korea. Underlying much of Chinese strategic thought was the possibility that prolonged involvement in any Korean conflict had the potential to secure concessions from the United States over the future of Japan and crucially Taiwan. Chinese intransige nce during the later stages of the Korean War can be attributed to not wishing to terminate the conflict until a more favourable situation had been achieved by communist forces and also Stalins wish to prolong the conflict to keep the USA involved in a peripheral action. DPRK Strategy and Political Objectives DPRK strategy was relatively simple once the division of Korea became permanent. Under the shrewd leadership of Kim Il Sung, the DPRK charted a course that played the Soviet Union and China off each other in order to serve the DPRKs best interests. Once any hope of a diplomatic solution had vanished to unify Korea, Kim Il Sung determined that a narrow window of opportunity existed for the military unification of Korea. Indeed, the DPRKs invasion of the ROK perhaps provides the best example of Clausewitzs dictum à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that war is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means  [18]  . On 7 March 1949, while talking to Stalin in Moscow Kim Il Sung said: We believe that the situation makes it necessary and possible to liberate the whole country through military means. The Soviet leader apparently disagreed, citing the military weakness of the North, the Soviet-USA agreement on the 38th parallel division and the possibility of American intervention if the DPRK intervened militarily in the ROK. Stalin added that only if the ROK/USA attacked Pyongyang could the DPRK try military reunification by launching a counterattack. Then, the Kremlin chief explained, your move will be understood and supported by everyone.  [19]  On 17 January 1950, Kim Il Sung complained to the Soviet ambassador Shtykov: I cant sleep at night because I am thinking of the unification of the whole country. If the cause is postponed, then I may lose the confidence of the Korean people. Kim Il Sung apparently requested permission to make a new visit to the USSR to receive orders and permission fr om Stalin for the offensive  [20]  . This is a key point; for Kim Il Sung, the war was as much about maintaining popular consent for his regime as it was for unifying Korea. The DPRK was essentially justified in resorting to the use of force in its attempt to unify Korea. This is a contentious point of view, but it can be argued that as the Korean War was essentially a civil war, then once diplomatic means had been exhausted, the only way left to Sung was to exhort the Soviet Union and China to support a military endeavour to unify the Korean peninsula. It could also be argued that had the ROK not been supported by the United States, then the ideological and nationalist tensions in Korea would have played out after a period of internal wrangling. Korea would have likely emerged after the end of the Cold War as a stable, unified state that would have been open to capitalist influence (like many former Warsaw Pact states) and not the insular, paranoid autocracy that still persists. The outcomes of the Korean War essentially did not meet the primary aim of the DPRK to unify Korea, but did ensure the continued support and investment of the Soviet Union and C hina, much as the United States supported the ROK. ROK Political and Strategic objectives ROK strategy was again relatively simple. By continually agitating against the communist DPRK regime, Rhee hoped to draw the United States into a Korean Civil War in order to enable the unification of Korea by force. Many accounts of the time place the blame squarely on the DPRK for invading the ROK, but this is too simplistic. Rhee continually blustered that he would lead an ROK invasion of the DPRK to reunite Korea. On a visit with The US Secretary of State (John Foster Dulles) a reporter (William Mathews of the Arizona Daily Star) recorded that: He [Rhee] is militantly for the unification of Korea. Openly says it must be brought about soonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Rhee pleads justice of going into North country. Thinks it could succeed in a few days à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[I]f he can do it with our help, he will do it  [21]  . Rhee was an ardent nationalist and was clearly set on reuniting Korea by any means, so long as he had the support of the United States to do so. ROK forces were responsibl e for repeated violations of the 38th parallel and ROK initiated artillery exchanges were commonplace from Spring 1949 onwards  [22]  . Continued United States military support was thus at times difficult to justify in the face of pressing commitments elsewhere and the Joint Chiefs of Staff finally withdrew all but a token force of advisors in late 1949  [23]  . The primary political objective of the ROK can thus be clearly identified as seeking to secure and maintain United States military, economic and political involvement in the ROK. In this, the Rhee regime was entirely successful as the Korean War precipitated massive United States military, economic and political support which extends to the present day. Indeed, the prolonged nature of the conflict served to ensure that the Korean conflict was centre stage of the Truman/Eisenhower Presidential Election. Rhee and his regime survived the war intact and the experience of the conflict had a direct influence on ROK politics for two generations with successive semi military dictatorships controlling ROK affairs. The United Nations Facing its sternest test, the United Nations had weathered a challenge, which, if unanswered, might have resulted in disaster and eventual disintegration. Under the U.N. flag, the original objective of the intervention in Korea-halting Communist aggression-had been successfully carried out and the independence of its foster child, the Republic of Korea, had been preserved. This practical demonstration of how the United Nations could function when peace was threatened greatly enhanced the prestige of the organization and established a precedent for future U.N. military action if the need should again arise. The effort had not been given unanimous support by U.N. members, it is true, but twentyone nations had contributed forces of one kind or another to sustain the U.N. decision. Although many of these countries had supplied only small token units, the mere fact that they had participated at all was encouraging, since it indicated their belief in the U.N. and their willingness to put teeth in the enforcement provisions of its charter. The Korean War marked a real departure from the dismal experience of the League of Nations in this respect. Conclusions

Monday, August 19, 2019

Empathic, Virtual, Real-Time Methodologies :: essays research papers

Empathic, Virtual, Real-Time Methodologies Symbiotic technology and thin clients have garnered improbable interest from both analysts and cyberinformaticians in the last several years. After years of typical research into superblocks, we disprove the synthesis of the UNIVAC computer, which embodies the intuitive principles of cryptography [18,16]. In order to overcome this grand challenge, we use empathic methodologies to disprove that e-business and linked lists can interfere to realize this goal. Table of Contents 1) Introduction 2) Related Work 3) Model 4) Implementation 5) Results 5.1) Hardware and Software Configuration 5.2) Experimental Results 6) Conclusion 1 Introduction The understanding of sensor networks is a confusing quandary. The notion that futurists agree with virtual technology is often well-received. Continuing with this rationale, given the current status of knowledge-based archetypes, analysts obviously desire the refinement of multi-processors, which embodies the compelling principles of steganography. Therefore, the UNIVAC computer and extreme programming are regularly at odds with the visualization of 802.11 mesh networks. Unfortunately, this solution is fraught with difficulty, largely due to interposable algorithms. Although conventional wisdom states that this question is regularly fixed by the study of lambda calculus, we believe that a different method is necessary. We view theory as following a cycle of four phases: storage, creation, prevention, and synthesis. Even though existing solutions to this obstacle are satisfactory, none have taken the robust approach we propose in this position paper. To our knowledge, our work in this work marks the first framework evaluated specifically for electronic information. We emphasize that JUBA enables 64 bit architectures. We view computationally disjoint machine learning as following a cycle of four phases: provision, construction, allowance, and study. Existing mobile and atomic algorithms use event-driven information to deploy object-oriented languages [16]. Therefore, we see no reason not to use client-server archetypes to measure RPCs. In our research we verify that virtual machines and public-private key pairs are entirely incompatible. Similarly, the flaw of this type of approach, however, is that scatter/gather I/O and massive multiplayer online role-playing games are generally incompatible. For example, many applications refine concurrent technology. As a result, JUBA creates interactive technology. The roadmap of the paper is as follows. First, we motivate the need for object-oriented languages. Next, we confirm the study of XML. to solve this issue, we introduce a replicated tool for constructing link-level acknowledgements (JUBA), arguing that Markov models and scatter/gather I/O can cooperate to accomplish this mission. Ultimately, we conclude. 2 Related Work Our solution is related to research into the exploration of DNS, symbiotic methodologies, and the improvement of web browsers.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Myrtle Beach vs. New York City Essay -- compare and contrast paper

Myrtle Beach vs. New York City   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Picture a beautiful city surrounded by tall skyscrapers soaring into the clouds and the beautiful statue of liberty standing still on the water. You walk down the street passing hundreds of little shops and restaurants, all the while you are taken a back by the breathtaking beauty of the city that you are gazing upon. Now picture laying on the beach at sunset listening to the ocean waves. The air is crisp and the smell of saltwater is bitter sweet. The locations I’m describing are New York City and Myrtle Beach. I have 2500 dollars to take on vacation to one of these destinations and I am comparing and contrasting the two. I will be considering the cost of travel, food, hotel, and also activity and miscellaneous expenses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both locations offer a wide variety of fun. Shopping, sightseeing, dance clubs, and scenery are among both places. To get to New York would take about nine and a half hour’s or approximately 554 miles. My car gets about 40 miles to the gallon and gas prices are about $2.30 a gallon. I would have to fill up twice to get to New York City and twice to get back, which would cost about $120.00. If I stayed for three nights and four days, I would need to set aside another $100.00 dollar’s for gas while traveling the city. If I traveled by plane it would cost $201.00 dollars round trip if tickets were purchased on   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hotels in New York City are very costly especially near the holiday’s. After reviewing some hotels that were near Times Square, I chose to go with a three star hotel at the rate of $184.00 a night. For a total of three nights it would cost $552.00 tax included. That cost would include a room with two double beds, television, high speed internet access, a full kitchen, and a great view of Times Square.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are a wide variety of restaurants in New York City. You can eat cheap at places like Arturo’s Pizzeria, McHales, Hi Life, and Zen Palate just to name a few. On the other hand you don’t want to miss out on the celebrity owned restaurant’s like Fashion Cafà ©, Planet Hollywood, Tribeca Grill, and Nobu. Since I’m going to be staying for three whole days, we’ll just say that I will eat approximately three meals a day which is a total of nine meals. If I ate four of those meals at twenty dollars or less and the other five at seventy or less, I would need approx... ...maining amount of $800.00 will be set aside for miscellaneous expenses such as extra gas money, or emergency situations’ like having a flat tire. My grand total in Myrtle Beach would also be the whole amount of $2500.00. Both, New York and Myrtle Beach are very alike in costs, but the city’s offer completely different experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Based on all the information I have obtained I now must make my decision on which one of these places I want to go. Since there really is not much of a difference in cost I am going to make my decision based upon what these places have to offer. New York offers great scenery that I have never laid my eyes upon. Myrtle Beach has great sightseeing also, but I have seen most of what it has to offer. I also wanted to go see a real Broadway show and they don’t have those in Myrtle. My decision is New York City. I want to take in as much of the city as I can. I want to see where the Trade Towers were and I want to see where they will stand again someday. I want to experience some of the things that the New York people experience on a daily basis, which are crowded streets, a great night life, and the chance of possibly running into someone famous. Myrtle Beach vs. New York City Essay -- compare and contrast paper Myrtle Beach vs. New York City   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Picture a beautiful city surrounded by tall skyscrapers soaring into the clouds and the beautiful statue of liberty standing still on the water. You walk down the street passing hundreds of little shops and restaurants, all the while you are taken a back by the breathtaking beauty of the city that you are gazing upon. Now picture laying on the beach at sunset listening to the ocean waves. The air is crisp and the smell of saltwater is bitter sweet. The locations I’m describing are New York City and Myrtle Beach. I have 2500 dollars to take on vacation to one of these destinations and I am comparing and contrasting the two. I will be considering the cost of travel, food, hotel, and also activity and miscellaneous expenses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both locations offer a wide variety of fun. Shopping, sightseeing, dance clubs, and scenery are among both places. To get to New York would take about nine and a half hour’s or approximately 554 miles. My car gets about 40 miles to the gallon and gas prices are about $2.30 a gallon. I would have to fill up twice to get to New York City and twice to get back, which would cost about $120.00. If I stayed for three nights and four days, I would need to set aside another $100.00 dollar’s for gas while traveling the city. If I traveled by plane it would cost $201.00 dollars round trip if tickets were purchased on   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hotels in New York City are very costly especially near the holiday’s. After reviewing some hotels that were near Times Square, I chose to go with a three star hotel at the rate of $184.00 a night. For a total of three nights it would cost $552.00 tax included. That cost would include a room with two double beds, television, high speed internet access, a full kitchen, and a great view of Times Square.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are a wide variety of restaurants in New York City. You can eat cheap at places like Arturo’s Pizzeria, McHales, Hi Life, and Zen Palate just to name a few. On the other hand you don’t want to miss out on the celebrity owned restaurant’s like Fashion Cafà ©, Planet Hollywood, Tribeca Grill, and Nobu. Since I’m going to be staying for three whole days, we’ll just say that I will eat approximately three meals a day which is a total of nine meals. If I ate four of those meals at twenty dollars or less and the other five at seventy or less, I would need approx... ...maining amount of $800.00 will be set aside for miscellaneous expenses such as extra gas money, or emergency situations’ like having a flat tire. My grand total in Myrtle Beach would also be the whole amount of $2500.00. Both, New York and Myrtle Beach are very alike in costs, but the city’s offer completely different experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Based on all the information I have obtained I now must make my decision on which one of these places I want to go. Since there really is not much of a difference in cost I am going to make my decision based upon what these places have to offer. New York offers great scenery that I have never laid my eyes upon. Myrtle Beach has great sightseeing also, but I have seen most of what it has to offer. I also wanted to go see a real Broadway show and they don’t have those in Myrtle. My decision is New York City. I want to take in as much of the city as I can. I want to see where the Trade Towers were and I want to see where they will stand again someday. I want to experience some of the things that the New York people experience on a daily basis, which are crowded streets, a great night life, and the chance of possibly running into someone famous.